Fields of Carnage
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The Fields of Carnage are an endless battlefield strewn with the dead, who are unable to decompose. They are home to the Dead God, a deity who wreaks destruction on the living. Pudge roams the fields, cutting up flesh and devouring them.

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The Dark Meadow is shrouded in a dense mist and haunted by the spirits of fallen heroes. The few trees here are ancient and twisted, casting deep shadows that seem to reach out and ensnare travelers.

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Gorm is surrounded by sprawling graveyards and carrion fields. It stands as a haunting testament to the realm of the undead. Home to Purehide Tannery which serves as a gathering place and recruitment area for Balimer Oakrot’s stooges.

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The Maduvari Forest is a dense, sprawling woodland filled with twisted dead trees. The forest is home to Balimer Oakrot, a powerful necromancer who is rumored to practice dark and forbidden magic within its depths.

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The Pale Mausoleum and its surrounding graveyard are haunted by Dwinn, The Penance Seeker. Its walls made are of stone so pale that it seems almost to glow in the moonlight.

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Quoidge is a city home to both the living and the civilized undead. Here the undead can make an honest living as butchers, tailors, and pit fighters.

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The Riftshadow Ruins are inhabited by spirits who cause the crystals to glow with luminescence. Either to entice adventurers deeper into the ruins, or it aid those lost in the caverns. The heavy rains in the area have led to spore fields spreading beneath the Ruins.

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Rumusque is home to the famous Cathedral of Rumusque and its followers, the Rumusque Faithful. Led by Lady Anshu, these clerics are at war with the Dead God and have been working to purge the Fields of all that is undead.

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The Tomb of the Undying is said to be the final resting place of the Dead God himself. The Dirge can be heard howling from deep within, like an irresistible song of dark and cold. Eventually all who linger will fall under the Dirge’s spell.

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