Death’s Crown

Three special dice are used in Death’s Crown. The dice are equal in size and shape to standard dice, but instead of one through six pips, they are marked with six symbols: (1)crown, (2)skull, (3)earth, (4)fire, (5)water, and (6)air.

The game is played between a player and a banker. A canvas or felt mat marked with the six symbols is used for play. The player places bets on one or more symbols. They then throws the three dice. If there is a bet on any symbol which comes up on one or more of the dice, in addition to returning the stake the banker pays the player the amount of their stake for each die showing that symbol: even money if one, 2:1 if two, and 3:1 if three. If the symbol doesn't come up, the player loses their bet.

The expected return of a 1gp wager on a particular symbol is calculated as follows:

  • The chance of the symbol coming up on none of the dice is 5/6 × 5/6 × 5/6, which is 125/216. The player loses 1gp in this case.

  • The chance of the symbol coming up on all three dice is 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6, which is 1/216. The player wins back the 1gp plus 3gp more.

  • The chance of the symbol coming up on two of three dice is C(3,1) x 1/6 × 1/6 × 5/6, which is 15/216. The player wins back the 1gp plus 2gp more.

  • The chance of the symbol coming up on one of three dice is C(3,1) × 1/6 × 5/6 × 5/6, which is 75/216. The player wins back the 1gp plus 1gp more.

In total, the expected return of a 1gp wager is ((+3 × 1) + (+2 × 15) + (+1 × 75) + (-1 × 125))/216, or (3 + 30 + 75 - 125)/216, which is (-17)/216 ≈ -0.078704.

Put another way, for every 1gp wagered, a player can expect to receive back 0.921296gp. Thus, the banker has a substantial edge. In a game at a festival or casino, the house will be banker. In a game among friends, each person serves as banker in turn.


Originating in the back alleys of major cities, twentybone has become a popular vice for many with coin to spare.

The Equipment: A selection of d20, a dealer, and a "dice girl".

The Mechanics: On each round, players can buy any number of d20s they want. The standard peasant’s-wage cost for a d20 is a copper piece, though at some tables a player can spend a silver piece, a gold piece, a platinum piece, or even more for a die. When all dice have been purchased, the players all roll their dice. Then the house rolls a die. Every player die that beats the house die gets paid off with two coins for every one coin it was bought for. For the player, a 1 always loses, and a 20 always wins.

The Odds: The player has a 47.75 percent chance of winning. 1’s don’t beat anything, 2’s only beat house 1’s, 3’s beat house 1’s and 2’s, and so on. The exception is player 20’s, which have a special advantage of beating house 20’s.

The Payout: The player will win 9.55 coins for every 10 coins he bets. The fact that a player is paid two coins on every win obscures the fact that the player gave over a coin to buy the die. Accounting for this, every successful bet’s payout is 1-to-1.

Whore's Dice

A popular game among the escort class, who often play with their clients.

The Equipment: A single d6.

The Mechanics: The player rolls 1d6 while the dealer rolls 3d6. If the result of the player's dice match the result on any of the dealer's dice, the player wins.

The Odds:

The player has a 16.67 percent chance of winning with one dice.

The player has a 2.78 percent chance of winning with two dice.

The player has a 0.46 percent chance of winning with three dice.

The Payout:

If one die matches the player's number, they get their money back.

if two dice match the player's number, they get double their bet.

If three dice match the player's number, they triple their bet.

Ship, Captain, Crew

Each player starts their turn by rolling five dice. They are attempting to roll a 6, 5 and 4 in descending order, and whenever the number they require is rolled, they "bank" it by setting it aside.[2]

For example, if the first roll of the dice shows a 6, a 4, two 3's and a 1, the player banks the 6 but must reroll the 4 because there is no 5 yet. If their second roll is a 6, a 5, a 4 and a 1 they may bank the 5 and 4 together, and now they have a full "crew" for their ship.

Each player has only three rolls, and after their third they score their turn. If they have a crewed ship then they score the "cargo" - the total of the other two dice. If they do not have a crewed ship, they score nothing.[2]

The winner is the player at the end of a round who has the highest score.

When beginning the next round, play begins with the player to the right (counterclockwise) of the first player in the previous round. Alternatively, the player who won the last round starts the next round.

Two Chest Mimic

The goal of mimic is to win the treasure, but beware the mimic who may dash your dreams.

The winner is the player with the highest score at the end.

Each player bets an amount as a buy in (say 1gp).

They then roll 5d6 (keeping the result to themselves).

Moving clockwise, each play can call (matching the buy in), raise, or fold.

Once all players have had the chance to call, raise or fold, the mimic dice is rolled.

Any dice matching the face number of the mimic dice that are still in play become invalid.

Remaining players get the chance to call, raise or fold one more time.

All remaining players reveal their hand, discarding numbers matching the mimic dice, and the player with the highest total wins.

Goblin's Eye:

Basically it's darts. Player's take turns rolling 1d20 and 1d6 (3 times). The d20 determines what number they hit. The d6 determines where on the number it hits. (for example a 1 is in the outer ring, a 6 is in the bull's eye.) First player to 301, wins.


Say your prayer to the God of luck and roll your dice!

The Equipment: 2-3 d6s.

The Mechanics: Each round, players roll 2d6. The minimum buy in is typically 5gp, though higher stakes tables aren't uncommon. If the player rolls a 7 or 12 on 2d6 they win. A player can double their bet to add another 1d6 after rolling.

The Odds: The player has a 19.45 percent chance of winning.

The Payout: The player has a 19.45 percent chance of winning.

4:1 payout

Last Man Standing

Go toe-to-toe with your fellow players in battle to the death.

The Equipment: 1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4 per player.

The Mechanics: Each round, players roll their largest dic (d20 then d12 and so on). Anyone with the same result is out. Players continue to roll until they are all out or only one remains.

The Payout: Each player puts an amount in the pot to play. The winner wins 75% of the pot (House takes the remaining 25%).

If no one wins, the pot carries over into the next game

8 spaces