Harvesting Monsters

Harvesting the necessary component from a creature takes 1d6 minutes + a number of minutes equal to the CR of the creature (minimum 1). At the end of the harvesting time, you must succeed a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check.

If you fail, the component required from the creature is spoiled and no further components can be harvested from that

Items marked with * must be harvested from a specific creature or creature type.





Distilled spirit, resin from the seed of a poppy, ground red clover.

When you drink this concoction you gain 1d8 + 2
temporary hit points for 1 hour.

Beast Oil

Rendered beast fat, beast’s liver*.

When you make an attack against a beast with a
weapon coated in this oil, you gain advantage on the attack.

Tears of Mt Celestia

The leaves of a royal fern, a pinch of cinnamon,
and a the tears of a celestial willingly given*.

When you make an attack against a fiend with a
weapon coated in this oil, you gain advantage on the attack.
Alternatively, you may apply this oil to your body as a
standard action. Any fiend within 5ft that targets you with a
melee weapon has disadvantage on their attack rolls.
These effects last for 1 hour.

Forked Tongue

Pyre ashes, sprig of sage, fiend blood*.

When you make an attack against a celestial with a
weapon coated in this oil, you gain advantage on the attack.
Alternatively, you may apply this oil to your body as a
standard action. Any celestial within 5ft that targets you with
a melee weapon has disadvantage on their attack rolls.
These effects last for 1 hour.

Old One’s Memories

Leaves of an Iris flower, water taken from a
subterranean lake*, abberation mucus*.

When you make an attack against an abberation with a
weapon coated in this oil, you gain advantage on the attack.
Alternatively, you may consume this oil as a standard
action. You become immune to mind altering effects for 1 hour.

Construct Concoction

Clay, stone dust, iron fillings, ground construct

When you make an attack against a construct with a
weapon coated in this mixture, you gain advantage on the
Alternatively, you may apply this mixture to your body as a
standard action. You are immune to any spell or effect that
would alter your form for the duration.
These effects last for 1 hour.

Dragon Blood (Chromatic)

Gold flakes, dragowart leaves, chromatic dragon

When you make an attack against a metallic dragon
with a weapon coated in this mixture, you gain advantage on
the attack.
Alternatively, you may apply this mixture to your body as a
standard action. You have advantage on saving throws
against a dragon’s breath weapon for the duration.
These effects last for 1 hour.

Dragon Blood (Metallic)

Gold flakes, tarragon, chromatic dragon blood*.

Effect: When you make an attack against a chromatic dragon
with a weapon coated in this mixture, you gain advantage on
the attack.Alternatively, you may apply this mixture to your body as a
standard action. You have advantage on saving throws
against a dragon’s breath weapon for the duration.
These effects last for 1 hour.


Ash, pepper seeds, fire essence (taken from a
elemental with fire immunity)*.

Drinking this concoction grants you resistance to fire
for 1 hour.


A shard of ice, salix arctica leaves, ice essence
(taken from a elemental with cold immunity)*.

Drinking this concoction grants you resistance to cold
for 1 hour.

Maestro’s Brew

Whisky, seeds from a coffea plant, tendons taken
from a creature with a base walking speed of 50ft. or more*.

Drinking this concoction grants you +20ft. to your
speed and a +2 bonus to your Dexterity for 1 hour. For the
duration of this concoction magic can’t put you to sleep.
When the effects of this concoction end, you gain 1 level of

Liquid Courage

Gin, yarrow flowers, bile taken from a creature
with frightened immunity*.

Drinking this concoction grants you immunity to the
frightened condition for 1 hour.


Whey, crushed red ginseng, giant’s blood*.

When you drink this potion, your Strength score
changes to 22 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if
your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.


Saltwater, flaxseeds, heart of a creature with a
Constitution score of at least 16*

Drinking this concoction grants advantage on
Constitution checks for 1 hour.


Sugar water, turmeric, adrenal gland of a
creature with a Dexterity score of at least 16*.

Drinking this concoction grants advantage on
Dexterity checks for 1 hour.


Red wine, asparagus, feathers or hair of a
creature with a Charisma score of at least 16*.

Drinking this concoction grants advantage on
Charisma checks for 1 hour.

Bottled Genius

Brandy, roe, brain of a creature with a
Intelligence score of at least 16*.

Drinking this concoction grants advantage on
Intelligence checks for 1 hour.


Tea Leaves, sage leaves, stomach of a creature
with a Wisdom score of at least 16*.

Drinking this concoction grants advantage on Wisdom
checks for 1 hour.


Fresh water, ephedra seeds, rabbit’s leg*.

After drinking this concoction, your jump distance is
doubled for 1 hour.


Eyebright flowers, carrot, eyes of a nocturnal

Drinking this concoction grants you darkvision for 1
hour. You may also double you proficiency for perception
checks for the duration.


Beeswax, Leaves of the mallow plant, dried Berberis (crushed)

When you expend hit dice to recover hit points within one hour of using this salve, you recover an additional 2 hit points for each hit die expended.

Berritu Tea

Black Snakeroot extract, dried Khat leaves, and dried Yerba Mate leaves steeped in hot spring water within a hollow gourd.

Drinking this concoction removes one level of Exhaustion.