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Welcome to the Legendkeeper version of the Icarus Games GM Bible.

It should serve as a great starting point to help you manage your campaign notes cleanly and efficiently.

It's not perfect, and won't work for everyone, but it should help you think about what's important information in your game and how best to organize your world.

If you enjoy this project and would like to support me, please take a look at my Patreon. Every month I publish a new issue of SIDEQUEST, a digital magazine inspired by the gaming magazines of old. You'll also get access to a private channel on my Discord server, and much more! Patreon helps me dedicate more time to making videos and RPG content.

Much love


Q: Hey Anto, in your streams the Jewel Cities has 600+ pins, where are they all?!

A: The goal of this notebook is to give you tools for you to go forth and build your own world, and throwing hundreds of pages in front of folks was likely to be super overwhelming. So I stripped everything out of the map except for explanations of how I use pins and organize my notes on the map, which can be applied to any world.

Q: Cool, so how do I use this?

A: Have a browse around to get yourself familiar with everything, and when you're ready to create a world, you can safely delete the Istar page and its subpages, make the page for your new world the homepage for the project, and get building!

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