Compendium of Osterra

Welcome to the Compendium of Osterra

Find here records collected from lore keepers, librarians, bards, and scribes from across the realm(s), all conveniently located in one place for your ease of use.

Where to Start:

Map of Osterra : Map of the Realm

Factions of Osterra : Overview of the Factions

Inter-Factionary Organizations : Overview of Inter-Factionary Groups

Lore of Osterra : Overview of the Lore

The Paths : Overview of Player Paths

Rules : Learn the rules of the game

The Knights and Nobles Council: Who to ask for help on safety, fair play, immersion, and fun

The Order Archives: Various lore snippets, stories, and histories

Creatures, Beasts, and Foes: Codex of monsters

Treaties and Declarations: Legal documents for relationships between Factions

External Links:

Main website:

Facebook Group:

Note: This is a fan-made wiki, created by and for the players of LARP Adventures. As such, some material may be out of sync with officially published materials. With any conflicts between this wiki and official sources (Game Master rulings, the official website, the official Discord, and the official Facebook Group); the official sources always take precedent.