
Trolls are the larger, less intelligent, cousin of the Orc. Although they have a habit of telling adventurers riddles, this is the only subject they are knowledgeable about. They will pass the riddles on from kin to kin, ensuring the tradition stays alive. These riddles are usually tricky and complex in novel ways. These become puzzles that astute scholars struggle with but an unlearned adventurer might be able to figure out. Still though, Trolls will struggle with basic common sense outside their own riddles. An example would provide better context; a confused Troll once came to a sanctioned game of Troll Ball, where the decapitated head of a troll is used as the ball. When asked why he came, he thought the people of Osterra had created a specific Troll only sport of sorts. After a brief combat, the players had a new ball. Not only are Trolls thick skulled, but they are thick skinned as well. This allows for Trolls to be struck many times without taking much damage. Worse yet, they have been known to regenerate limbs if given time to heal. 5 strikes to a Troll will weaken its hard exterior, and then 2 more strikes will often leave the Troll lying in the mud. However, they quickly regenerate and will begin to piece themselves together unless their corpse is set ablaze.

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