The Blood Reef Pirates

Life for a sailor, whether a merchant, naval, shipping, or fishing vessel, is a harsh one. Single ships are often attacked or harassed for a percentage of their haul. Captains & officers on power-trips consider most of the crew expendable and all that matters is the cargo. Ships that are a part of an organization or hire escorts are seen as high-risk/high-payoff targets and again, most officers are quick to throw the crew into battle before risking their cargo.

Yet it goes beyond the egos of officers, its bad food, very little pay, and no room for anything beyond being a member of the crew. Officers are hired by a company or are ranked in the military. The only chance any of the crew has of being a captain or officer is to purchase their own ship. Though with what they’re paid, that seems highly unlikely. So, it’s really not surprising that so many sailors turn towards piracy; especially when the Darkreef Armada is legendary for being home to a pirate paradise.

It's not just the legend of Captain Darkreef or her ship, the Bloodwake. It’s the testimony of those that sail under her flag. Known for wanting to have the armada as powerful as possible, it’s well known that Junonia will spare no expense to learn new magics, new technology, new tactics, etc. and she uses that knowledge well beyond her own ship.

The Blood Reef Isles themselves are legendary as it’s said the plants and animals of the islands answer to the archdruid Pirate Queen herself, helping protect the inhabitants and keeping them well supplied with food, clothing, shelter, and all that nature can offer. If under siege, the isles can withstand to be cut off from the rest of the world indefinitely. This provides a safe haven not just for pirates but their families as well, thus Sunmoor is a thriving society and never what anyone expects from something considered to be a pirate’s paradise.

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