The Archers

With no real cavalry to speak of, House Wenjansk’s army consists of but two distinct forces: archers and spearmen. While the spearmen train and arm themselves in and around the bailey, the archers use the Severed Keep as their primary hub of operations. Fletchers prepare arrows in the basement, soldiers train in the range, and those on-duty keep watch from the battlements.

Historically, cavalry had always been more crucial to military victory in the great plains of the lowlands, but they are of little use in craggy peaks. When the Duscarn Giants slowly make their way up the mountainside in one of their raids, it is the archers that have proven essential in the defense of Falthringor. As such, the bowmen of Falthringor are revered like no Wenjansk soldier ever before. Children idolize the bowmen, and young women dream of marrying one of the noble protectors. Pious members of the community believe that the Great Falcon has blessed House Wenjansk’s arrows in an effort to protect the displaced people.

Falthringor’s bowmen consist solely of lowlanders. The standard longbow is 6 feet in length, meaning even the tallest upland halfling cannot properly wield such a weapon. Most bowmen are also of noble birth. There is no culture of “knighthood” among the lowlanders, and as such, high-born vassals who choose to fight for House Wenjansk typically pursue ranks with the lowest casualty rates. Even before the exodus from Wenjansków, an archer in the city had a much higher likelihood to survive a battle than a spearman on the frontlines. The high birth of the house’s archers may go some way to explain why they were also able to claim the more defensible part of the castle as their territory.

As rooftop archers only require minimal mobility during a giant raid, most wear heavy armor. The Duscarn Giants are adept with slings, and a well-aimed projectile could easily kill a soldier at great range unless they’re well protected. Most archers wear chainmail, though many don bespoke plate armor—a luxury that the typically wealthy bowmen can afford. Their armor is adorned with feathers as a nod to their house’s heraldry as well to their patron spirit.

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lara Urbecik

Even before House Wenjansk explicitly codified their commitment to gender parity, women were allowed to serve as archers. Unlike many military ranks, there is a more or less objective measure of ability for archers: if you can draw a longbow and hit a bullseye from a great distance, little else matters. Klara (she/her) is low-born but proved herself an impeccable shot shortly after the relocation to Falthringor.

Klara cannot afford a cuirass, and so she wears mail crafted by her mother, a farmer on the slopes. The realities of wealth and class did not disappear overnight just because House Wenjansk relocated. Social status still determines one’s fate. Thus, Klara has had to fight to prove herself in more ways than one. She must demonstrate that she’s an excellent marksman despite her sex, and that she’s a committed soldier despite her low birth. She may not fight for lands of her own, but she has proven time and time again that she would die for Falthringor and what it represents.

Junchremyn “Baby Hands”

Junchremyn (he/him), a refugee giant, has made a name for himself in the basement of the Severed Keep as one of the most dexterous craftsmen in Falthringor. His arrows fire true and the sheer quantity of his production is unmatched. That such a large creature could possess such astounding fine motor skills would be surprising to anyone unfamiliar with Falthringor’s giant population. Junchremyn takes pride in his work, but he is also racked with guilt. To be productive and to earn one’s respite is a virtue, but knowing that his arrows are used to slay his kin… that is an unpleasant thought. Junchremyn is a valued member of the team in the Severed Keep, but Lord Ratched Lubomir has made it repeatedly clear that he has no patience for philosophical hesitation concerning the simple act of fletching.