Traveling to Falthringor

Only exceptionally motivated travelers will dare make the trek to Falthringor. It’s a dangerous journey, and few outsiders have ventured to the castle since the initial exodus of the lowlanders ten years ago. There are, however, a number of reasons that a party of adventurers may want to head to the city.

  • The discovery of the stronghold was an extraordinary archaeological reveal. Curious minds may hope to find alchemical wonders in the fortress’s hidden subterranean corridors, or they may just crave anthropological insights regarding the origins of the Duscarn Giants.

  • House Wenjansk is still—at least theoretically—a major player in the politics of the lowlands. The other great houses may send emissaries to trade, negotiate with, threaten, or spy on the High Kestrel and the rest of House Wenjansk.

  • Falthringor is the only safe haven throughout the Duscarn Range. If the adventurers are traveling through the mountains for any purpose, they will likely need to make their way to the fortress to resupply or hide from greater threats.

  • The other great houses were lucky that House Wenjansk led the violent giants away from the lowlands. Still, there is growing concern that the giants will become more brazen in their future attacks should they gain a permanent foothold in the Duscarn Range. Noble adventurers may seek to aid House Wenjansk in the defense of their keep to avoid this worst-case scenario.


Duscarn Range Danger




Violent seismic activity causes frequent avalanches. The initial danger is trauma from the slabs of ice and snow, but avalanches also make the terrain more difficult to traverse for days or weeks to come.


Tainted soil

All of the dirt and mud packed beneath the snow is forever corrupted by Duscarn alchemy. Obviously, travelers should not consume the foul plants that grow here, but they may also contract diseases purely through proximity.


Alchemical runoff

Reactivating the torrent opus set in motion several dormant alchemical machines throughout the Duscarn Range. Some of these emit toxic drainage erratically. Perceptive travelers may notice the well-concealed runoff pipes jutting out from various peaks.


Malachite lizards

Only the hardiest creatures can survive in the Duscarn Range. Among them are the hulking malachite lizards. These venomous quadrupeds camouflage themselves among the tainted soil and can grow up to fifteen feet snout-to-vent.


Perilous chasm

Earthquakes can cause expected travel routes to transform unexpectedly. A reliable mountain pass may become a gaping crevasse in mere minutes. Bypassing the chasm may add days to an expedition, though the party could try to cross the gap instead.


Giant attack

The Duscarn Giants are committed to retaking their long-lost fortress, and they are not terribly discerning when it comes to small folks. Anyone shorter than ten-or-so feet tall is a potential target.