LegendKeeper Reviews

Thousands of game-masters and storytellers use LegendKeeper to make amazing worlds to share with their friends and fans. Here's what a few of them have to say...

"LegendKeeper is the best resource out there because everything is quick and snappy and you can make things really fast."

ANTO / Icarus Games
“Because of the simplicity I could get to the features at my own pace. I could just start with writing.”

JISMINA / Discord Community Member
"Legendkeeper is my one-stop-shop for running a campaign, writing a book, and organising all my notes for both."

FIO / Discord Community Member
“LegendKeeper is legitimately a no brainer for my creative process. No one has put all of the pieces together so elegantly, and made something as fun to build with.”

“I run several RPGs within LegendKeeper, from Fantasy to Cyberpunk, with my podcast and the greater community. We share creative control while keeping GM notes hidden till the big reveal.”

DAVID / High Shelf Collective
"It makes it so stinkin’ easy to just write and keep writing."

XAN FARLEY / Game Developer
“This app is incredibly important to my creative process now. It’s getting really hard to write in anything else.”

LegendKeeper really helps to keep all my writing organized. Especially the templates just help out a ton if you just wish to create lots of content.

OWEN / GM, Worldbuilder, TTRPG System Designer
0/8 Worst karaoke app I have ever downloaded

PRAISETHESUNDAY / Karaoke Enthusiast