2 min read

LK Weekly: Abyssal Boards

Braden has now had a chance to better understand the Boards integration and rewritten it to be production-ready. In addition, we now have a UI that more closely matches the overall LegendKeeper experience.

Progress on Boards: Possible launch end of next week

There will be many things we are not happy with when we launch, but we are choosing to optimize for speed for this feature. We would prefer to launch Boards a bit sooner, knowing that some of our ideal UX features are still missing.

(pictured: super scrappy arrow labels. We won't make you use system dialogs to edit their text, though :P)

As of today, we believe we can open up testing from Hydra Slayers next week, and launch by the end of the week if no showstoppers appear. As always - this is a best estimate not an unbreakable promise 😃

Fun fact: the creator of the whiteboarding library we are using to build Boards has launched v1.0 as an open source project. It did really well on HackerNews. Check it out if you are a developer who also wants to build whiteboardy things.

LK Newsletter #4 - All about magic items

Adam had the pleasure of interviewing Matthew from Abyssal Brews a while back. This week he finally got around to drafting up an article from that discussion.

The article had enough insights that he decided it should go out as the fourth edition of the LegendKeeper worldbuilding newsletter next week.

You can subscribe to the newsletter here to get it in your inbox.

Adam writes some code

Adam still hasn't much of a chance to contribute code to LegendKeeper. This week he needed a little break from marketing work so he dove into the codebase. He contributed a PR to make the login screen a little nicer, re-wrote the test suite for the LK server, and added an integration for Customer.io a new platform we will be using to manage all our emails in one place.

We still have work to do onboarding Adam into LK from the technical side, but the hope is that he'll be able to pick up some of the smaller quality of life improvements while Braden stays focused on the big crazy stuff.

Adam also did some other technical things outside LK core. He finally added the ability for collections in Here Be Taverns to sync with the server. The problem seemed trivial at first but was fraught with peril. Braden helped him figure out the best way to do it. If you are a developer reading this thinking "nah that's easy", do some quick Google searches for "client-server sync" 😃. If you still think its easy, please jump in Discord and share your wisdom with our community

He also started on a proof of concept for a LegendKeeper text adventure experience. He is considering embedding it into certain blog posts like this one about the Yklwa to add a fun interactive element. Imagine if after learning about the weapon, you could roll a character, pick one up, and then enter into a combat simulation with it?

That's all for now!


Written by Rawand Al-Issa

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